Text for Toasties

Students who are on campus or in the student village can text a number with their location and a question about Christianity. You bring them a fresh toasty and a gospel centred answer to their question. Simple.
Campus Group: Murdoch Christians United
Committee Email:
Email: wilson@mcu.org.au

Good works events

Give blood. Plant a tree. Clean up Australia Day. These activities are great for Christian students who are ready to get to know people and share with people why they chose to do this.

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee email: president@mucu.org.au


GAMSAT assists in the selection of students to participate in the graduate-entry Medicine programs in Australia, Ireland and the UK.Three CU Grads reflected on their experience and helped Med students pass Gamsat.

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee Email: president@mucu.org.au