How do you sanitise your heart?

Allocate 3 stickers to every club member. Place 1 on their laptop and 2 somewhere else. The object is to talk to people about the sticker. But also include a link to CU, or a chat room or a website or…

Possible Stickers:
o How do you sanitise your heart?
o Did something vaccinate you against God?
o Jesus: God Unmasked!
o God didn’t social distance, but we should!

Possible conversations that arise from these stickers are in the document attached

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union
Committee Email:

Easter Candy Bar

Our Easter candy bar consisted of 5 different individually wrapped lollies which told the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection – 1. snakes to represent sin 2. Kit kats to represent the cross 3. Cherry Ripes to represent the blood of Jesus 4. Malteasers to represent the stone that was rolled away 5. Minties to represent that we have been cleaned (and bonus 6 is the easter eggs which represent new life).
Campus Group: Campus Bible Ministries, Bankstown Campus
Committee Email:

Are you blessed?

We create interactive stalls around an upcoming mission event or talk series. Write up a simple question on a white board and invite some kind of response (writing on a post-it note, putting a lolly wrapper in a labelled jar, voting with a big tick). We have a simple tract or promo pamphlet on hand to hand out to those who slow down but don’t stop for a chat. A small handful of people can impact heaps of people – inc hundreds or thousands of passers by!

Valentine’s Day, St.Patrick’s Day (How have you been blessed?), April Fools, Halloween (Tricky question for a treat…), Melbourne Cup

Campus Group: Credo – University of Technology Sydney

Committee Email: