What is your story?

What is your story?’ is a gospel outline that begins: God is a Trinity – like a loving family of three- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have absolutely everything in common and they perfectly adore, glorify and serve each other. This beautiful selfless love is at the heart of who God is and at the heart of the universe and at the heart of the person you are and are called by God to be…. and concludes: ‘Why wouldn’t you want to join the story Jesus tells about the God who is love?’…

Alpha / Explore Groups

We offer Explore Groups, especially after mission events. They consist of the first 6 episodes of the Alpha Film Series. We allow about 75 minutes (each episode in 3 blocks of 7-8 minutes w time for discussion) and run them in a cafe meeting room on campus.

They complement reading a Gospel v nicely as they summarise Christian doctrine and address some apologetic issues. Episode 6 is on reading the Bible, so it segues very nicely into joining a Bible study group.

Any theological weaknesses can easily be addressed in the group discussion times.

Details: credo.org.au/explore

Campus Group:Credo (University of Technology Sydney)

Committee Email:committee@credo.org.au

Questioning Christianity

Students put on a panel discussion answering questions submitted by non-Christians on campus. Posters in public spaces had a QR Code to submit questions and people were invited to attend. Panelists (made up of men, women, students, alumni, local church leaders) were given the questions beforehand to prepare.

Campus Group: University Fellowship of Christians, Hobart