Most out of Life Dot Poll

At a stall on campus, we created a display with a white board and easel asking the questions “How do you get the most out of life” with 8 visual options to add a dot poll to (being truly happy, being who you are, making a difference in the world etc). We then asked a follow up questions of “What do you think Jesus said about getting the most out of life” with a printed bible verse of John 10:10-11, 27-28 to share in conversation and invitation to our bible talks.
Campus Group: Geelong Christian Union
Committee Email:

You Are What You Achieve

You are What you Achieve! is a panel discussion put on by the Law and Medicine faculties. It will involve 3 members on a panel – all Christian doctors or lawyers. Each member of the panel speaks briefly about the idea of achievement and self-worth. This is followed by QandA. The target audience are Medicine and Law faculties since they are mostly affected by this ideology. See ‘The Achievement Addiction’ by Justine Toh. This giveaway size book could be used as a form of invitation.
Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union
Committee Email:

Easter Discussion Panel with the Islamic Club

We had a combined discussion panel on “What does it mean to be a good person” with the Islamic Society and Philosophical Society. Idea for panellists to share their beliefs, with Christian speaker sharing an explicit gospel message. We had 3 speakers (one from each club). Can easily be done just with 2 clubs. All clubs shared their prayer styles during the event (Islamic Ramadan prayers, and Christian grace), which is a great exposure to different cultures
Campus Group: Geelong Christian Union
Committee Email:

More to Life series

These were talks during our main meeting time for 4 weeks on “Is there more to life than …”
1. Being True to myself
3. Creating a better future
4. Living for the weekend
The final week was a minute to win it challenge night, where teams completed challenges and heard the final talk and a student testimony on “How to get the most out of life” with free dinner in the main university hall. This tied into our Ecclesiastes bible studies
Campus Group: Geelong Christian Union
Committee Email:

Instagram/Tiktok Competition

Have an online photo/video comp, getting students to create content on a particular question, such as “What do you think is the most important thing in life” or “What makes you happy”. Get them to tag the club and a recognisable hashtag. Christian students can also share, growing their own evangelism skills. Those with the most likes can get selected for a prize at your main meeting/mission event, if they come along on the night, themed to the question you asked and how Jesus shapes it.
Campus Group: Geelong Christian Union
Committee Email:

Food For Thought Dinners

All the bible study groups invite their friends to a social dinner at a local restaurant/pub where they can discuss deeper topics. Leaders notes and menus are created by staff. This provides a great platform for further discussions on what their non-Christian friends think of the world and themselves to practice sharing a Christian response. Highlights a Christian message. Previous topics include “What does it mean to be a good person” and “What’s worth losing your life for”.
Campus Group: Geelong Christian Union
Committee Email:

Polymer clay day

We had a girl’s afternoon for the girls on Campus. We made polymer clay jewellery, ate and had a talk. It was an easy event to invite friends to and also easy to participate and organise. An alternative was a polymer clay event for Christmas, we did at Western Sydney uni. We made Christmas earrings.
Campus Group: Newcastle Uni
Committee Email:

Text for Toasties

Students who are on campus or in the student village can text a number with their location and a question about Christianity. You bring them a fresh toasty and a gospel centred answer to their question. Simple.
Campus Group: Murdoch Christians United
Committee Email:

Surviving in Australia Facebook posts

We put a series of posts on our Facebook page and encouraged our students to share them. These posts were helpful ideas about how to survive as an international student, living in Melbourne. These ideas included, where to buy groceries, always wear layers, and of course, Christian Union International is a great place to make friends.
Campus Group: Melbourne Uni
Committee Email:

Winter Weekend Away

Weekend away with women interested in investigating Jesus. We had some formal activities (Bible study and a Bible talk) as well as time just to let conversations and questions flow. We cooked together and did some touristy things, too. Our theme was “Identity”. Christians could attend but only if they also brought along a non -Christian friend. Good opportunity for Christians to spend deliberate time in evangelistic conversation.
Campus Group: UTas
Committee Email:

Chalking on campus

International students from different countries worked in groups to create a combination of graphic and textual invitations, using chalk on the outdoor areas of uni campus where people walk pass or often gather. The text included the name of the campus fellowship, the time and place of the fellowship, and a welcome message in different languages (e.g. “Welcome”, “See you soon”, “Looking forward to meeting you”). The visual content includes a friendly smile, heart shape, etc.
Campus Group: Melbourne Uni
Committee Email:

Philosophy at the pub

Our campus has a compulsory philosophy unit. We held a discussion each week on the topic of the week for the philosophy unit. Students invite friends to talk about the topic. Prepared questions and links to Christian ideas.
Campus Group: Notre Dame Fremantle
Committee Email:

Women’s pampering night.

Invite female friends to come to a pampering and gospel night. Offer foot spa and foot massage with friends and share testimony including gospel challenge from some angle while soaking or massaging. Could do facials etc.

Campus Group: Uwa
Committee Email:

How do you sanitise your heart?

Allocate 3 stickers to every club member. Place 1 on their laptop and 2 somewhere else. The object is to talk to people about the sticker. But also include a link to CU, or a chat room or a website or…

Possible Stickers:
o How do you sanitise your heart?
o Did something vaccinate you against God?
o Jesus: God Unmasked!
o God didn’t social distance, but we should!

Possible conversations that arise from these stickers are in the document attached

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union
Committee Email:

Tech Tips for Evangelism

This tip helps students have a Christian presence in online classes (Zoom evangelism tool). There are also tips for professional looking presentations in your clubs. Check out the tips here:
University of Wollongong

One step at a time

Help students think about their friends and the next step! These tickboxes outline each step, and students prayerfully advance their relationships, one step at a time.

• They know I’m a Christian.
• I know what’s important to them …
• The connection between this and the gospel is …
• I have shared the gospel with them.

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Snack Trolley

We walked around campus with a trolley full of snacks and juice poppers to hand out to students. This is particularly helpful for a vertical building or in spaces where you have to interrupt students who are studying. Often the students asked why are you doing this and this created an opportunity to talk about grace or introduce them to our club.
Campus Group: Western Sydney Uni, Liverpool campus
Committee Email:

Easter Candy Bar

Our Easter candy bar consisted of 5 different individually wrapped lollies which told the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection – 1. snakes to represent sin 2. Kit kats to represent the cross 3. Cherry Ripes to represent the blood of Jesus 4. Malteasers to represent the stone that was rolled away 5. Minties to represent that we have been cleaned (and bonus 6 is the easter eggs which represent new life).
Campus Group: Campus Bible Ministries, Bankstown Campus
Committee Email:


Form a team of students to write into your uni newspaper. Especially worth trying if you have students who are studying arts / communications or design degrees. Some student papers are so desperate that they’ll even print slimmed-down sermons / mission messages!
Campus Group: Credo, University of Technology Sydney
Committee Email:

Insta Prayer!

On Instagram students are using stories to spark curiosity about their faith journey. Using the question function, ask for people’s prayer requests, or have an anonymous space for people to ask whatever question they like about Jesus or Christianity more broadly

Campus Group: LaTrobe University Christian Union

Committee email:

Before and After

Everyone loves images, so students are raising curiosity about their faith journey with ‘before and after’ stories! Post one story with a photo representing what their life felt like before Jesus (could be a broken mirror or whatever resonates) and then the next story is a picture of what life is like now that they know Jesus;

Campus Group: LaTrobe University Christian Union

Committee email:

It’s my Anniversary!

Students are using Instagram stories to spark curiosity about their personal faith journey. Post an ‘anniversary’ pic, marking when they became a Christian, and followup with a question sticker if anyone has any questions about their faith journey;

Campus Group: LaTrobe University Christian Union

Committee email:

Intentional Relationship Building

After every event think about how to describe this to someone who asks: How are you? What have you been up to? Describe it in such a way that you can shares something about the teaching or the community that might spark and interest in your conversation partner. If they are interested in what you have said, invite them to next time. Arrive 10mins early and keep 30mins free afterwards so that you have time to chat with and get to know people. When running an outreach event, have a student speak so that they can invite their friends.

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee email:

Other Clubs

Connecting with students at clubs. Ask students to get involved with a club or a group on campus and get to know people. Sports club. Social club.
Visit the Women’s room each week to get to know people there.

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee email:

Sandwich Board Surveys

A couple of students, one wearing a sandwich board with an interesting question on it, and a range of likely answers. Ask students what they believe and give them a sticky dot to attach to their answer. Aim for conversations about why they think this. What the most popular answer is. etc

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee email:

Good works events

Give blood. Plant a tree. Clean up Australia Day. These activities are great for Christian students who are ready to get to know people and share with people why they chose to do this.

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee email:

Forums- Careers and Life

Ask Christian lecturers or workers to speak on an aspect of how they integrate their life and faith. Present a positive apologetic for Christianity by describing how Jesus makes betters sense of the world than any other alternative. Eg What is the doctrine of humanity that undergirds the secular discipline? What is its picture of human flourishing? Compare and contrast with a biblical view. Using lecturers also lets people know that there are Christians they respect academically/intellectually.

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee email:

What would Jesus say to…?

What groups are well represented on your campus? Who are the students interested in?

‘What would Jesus say to…?’ saw groups of people come simply because of a poster!

Catholics – What would Jesus say to… the Pope? or Mary?
Muslims – What would Jesus say to… Mohammed?
Atheists – What would Jesus say to… Dawkins?
Chinese – What would Jesus say to… Confucius? or Xi Jinping?
etc etc.

The speaker gave a short intro and then spoke as if it were an actual dialogue between Jesus and the other person. Having a prop helped to clarify when speaking as Jesus and when speaking as the other person.…


Students have organised a painting session during Swotvac for their non-Christian friends. They have booked a cafe on campus and organised painting supplies. At the end they interview a number of the Christians about their faith.

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Committee email:

Dot for a choc

Set up a basic stall on campus at a high traffic flow location. Write a question on butchers paper related to a public meeting talk, e.g. ‘Do you think faith and science are friends or foes’. Under the question, draw a line to represent a scale, e.g. from foes to friends. Pray. Hand out stickers (coloured dots) to students offering a free chocolate if the put their dot on the butchers paper. Open up conversation about where other people will (or have) put dots. Invite them to public meeting.

Campus Group: Australian Defence Force Academy (UNSW) Fellowship of Christian University Students (FOCUS)
Committee Email:

Making Your Mark

We wrote out every verse of Mark at a stall on the campus. Did the whole lot the first time (at WSU) but only got thru part the second time (at UTS). For prep you need to calculate the size of cardboard by the number of verses!

Lots of people stop to look and you then just ask them to write up the next verse. Easy stall evangelism for shyer types. Have plenty of Uncover Marks on hand and/or portions of Scripture

Campus Group: Credo- University of Technology

Committee Email:

Culture exchange and the Gospel

Find someone from a different cultural background and each share something from their culture (e.g. values, greatest evil, marriage, expression of love, food, celebrations, family life). Notice similarities and differences and find out the meaning behind this aspect of their culture. Then find a link between their what they shared about their culture and the gospel to discuss further.

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Committee Email:


Many years ago we did a mission that was called OMG Why? The CU advertised widely and asked people what they would ask God if they could ask him anything. The talks were based on the questions submitted.
1. OMG WHY bother?
2. OMG WHY -Who does he think he is?
3. OMG WHY ‘queerphobia’?
4. OMG WHAT ABOUT… with a live panel.

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Committee Email:

Craphouse Philosophy

This mission was a series of talks based on the graffiti in the university toilets. Obviously this is determined by the graffiti on the campus, but there is plenty to choose from.

1. There are better things than happiness, worse things than suffering
2. Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just they will reward you. If they would punish you, they are unjust and not worth your worship.
3. Who gets to decide who is good?
4. How do we deal with the crap in life?

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Committee Email:

How to Beat Life!

This was a mission that dealt with people’s issues about doing well at life. The logo was a pacman screen. The talks were:
1. Winning Relationships
2. Winning Strategy
3. Winning Life

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Committee Email:

Craphouse Philosophy 2

This was a second series in the Craphouse Philosophy. It was a series of talks based on graffiti found in the toilets on the campus.
1. What do you want in life?
2. No one rules if no one obeys!
3. Muhammad- love by the word of God or die by his word

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Committee Email:

What is your story?

What is your story?’ is a gospel outline that begins: God is a Trinity – like a loving family of three- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have absolutely everything in common and they perfectly adore, glorify and serve each other. This beautiful selfless love is at the heart of who God is and at the heart of the universe and at the heart of the person you are and are called by God to be…. and concludes: ‘Why wouldn’t you want to join the story Jesus tells about the God who is love?’…

Utopian Island Dinner

Over dinner everyone uses a survey to discuss what their Utopian Island world would be like. Discussions cover issues of morality, meaning and human nature in a more lighthearted way but still provoking good reflection. The discussion can be left with the question of why the world isn’t perfect or a Christian answer can be given in a short talk.

Campus Group: University of Queensland Evangelical Students

Committee Email:

Awkward Dinners with Jesus

A discussion dinner (invite friends, eat food, talk about Jesus). The theme is the way Jesus made some dinners very awkward with his unrequested advice on dinner party etiquette! Over dinner guests read and discuss 3 moments at a dinner party in Luke 14:7-24. The 3 stories together point to God’s invitation in the Gospel for those who know they don’t deserve it.


Campus Group: University of Queensland Evangelical Students

Committee Email:

My Perfect School/Company/Hospital

A relaxed discussion-based event tailored to particular courses or careers eg My Perfect School (education), My Perfect Company (business), My Perfect Hospital (nursing).
The main part of the event is based on discussing several questions posted around the room.

Eg.1. Who’s the boss of your perfect school?
2. What kind of kids and teachers are welcomed?
3. What are the rules and what are the consequences?
4. What place is there for religion? What about Safe Schools?
5. What are the top values? Try turning it into a motto!
6. Is your perfect school really possible? Why / not?
Door activity: you place a sticker on your favourite school – Hogwarts, Summer Heights High, Playschool or School of Rock

Then give a message based on a simple ‘God’s perspective’ on each of the questions or perhaps something more in depth based on the last question.…

If I were God…

We create interactive stalls around an upcoming mission event or talk series. Write up a simple question on a white board and invite some kind of response (post-it note, lolly wrapper in a labelled jar, voting with a big tick,tick a quadrant on the whiteboard)). We have a simple tract or promo pamphlet on hand to hand out to those who slow down but don’t stop for a chat. A small handful of people can impact heaps of people – inc hundreds or thousands of passers by!

Topics include:
Which is the odd one out – God, Beer, Sex or Sin?…

Are you blessed?

We create interactive stalls around an upcoming mission event or talk series. Write up a simple question on a white board and invite some kind of response (writing on a post-it note, putting a lolly wrapper in a labelled jar, voting with a big tick). We have a simple tract or promo pamphlet on hand to hand out to those who slow down but don’t stop for a chat. A small handful of people can impact heaps of people – inc hundreds or thousands of passers by!

Valentine’s Day, St.Patrick’s Day (How have you been blessed?), April Fools, Halloween (Tricky question for a treat…), Melbourne Cup

Campus Group: Credo – University of Technology Sydney

Committee Email:

Easter Friday: Good or Bad?

We create interactive stalls around an upcoming mission event or talk series. Write up a simple question on a white board and invite some kind of response (writing on a post-it note, putting a lolly wrapper in a labelled jar, voting with a big tick). We have a simple tract or promo pamphlet on hand to hand out to those who slow down but don’t stop for a chat. A small handful of people can impact heaps of people – inc hundreds or thousands of passers by!

Topics include:
Easter Friday – Good or Bad? (vote in a jar)
How can I be right with God – Relationship, Religion or Rules?…

Bible at the Bar

We asked the Uni Bar if we could use it for one weeknight, to have a band play music (for half an half on either side of the talk), a short talk (10-15mins) or story of Jesus at work in a student’s life, drinks, food and chatting/playing pool.

Campus Group:University Fellowship of Christians – Launceston

Why God…? – stall

A stall with 5 plastic containers with 5 answers to the question ‘Why God…?’ e.g. Why God… is the world screwed up? People could put a ping pong ball in the container they would ask. Christian students meet people and chat. They’ve had some training on how to give a simple answer to the questions and listen well.

Campus Group:University of Christians – Launceston

Wellness Wednesdays

This is a weekly exercise session on campus. It involved HIIT exercise followed by a stretching and sharing time. This time involved a member of the team sharing their testimony or something they felt God had been teaching them. ‘Come join some friendly women on Wednesday mornings at 8am on campus to exercise together, to hear one person share about why they trust in Jesus/how he has shaped their life and to have breakfast together after. Bring your friends!’

For further information download the document.

Campus Group:Monash University Christian Union


What the fudge?

There is stall with a big sign saying ‘What the fudge?’. The idea is that people get free fudge if they ask the Christians at the stall any question about life/God/spirituality/Christianity and the Christians at the stall have a minute or so to give an answer.

Campus Group: Unknown

Pub night

Christian Union Arts students organise a regular Pub night to make friends and talk deeply.

Campus Group:Melbourne Uni Christian Union


CU Ball

The Christian Union Students put on a ball for the CU and their friends. It promoted the opportunity to have good clean fun, and get to know Christians.

Campus Group: Melbourne Uni Christian Union

Committee Email:


GAMSAT assists in the selection of students to participate in the graduate-entry Medicine programs in Australia, Ireland and the UK.Three CU Grads reflected on their experience and helped Med students pass Gamsat.

Campus Group: Melbourne University Christian Union

Committee Email:

Alpha / Explore Groups

We offer Explore Groups, especially after mission events. They consist of the first 6 episodes of the Alpha Film Series. We allow about 75 minutes (each episode in 3 blocks of 7-8 minutes w time for discussion) and run them in a cafe meeting room on campus.

They complement reading a Gospel v nicely as they summarise Christian doctrine and address some apologetic issues. Episode 6 is on reading the Bible, so it segues very nicely into joining a Bible study group.

Any theological weaknesses can easily be addressed in the group discussion times.


Campus Group:Credo (University of Technology Sydney)


Amazing Grace- Do you know it?

Music students are producing a laptop sticker. The sticker has a music staff with only the tune to the opening words of Amazing Grace. Underneath is the question ‘Do you know it?’ This is to prompt conversations about the gospel and to be able to explain the concept of grace.

Campus Group:Monash University Christian Union


Girls craft night

We held a girls craft night, where an expert showed the girls how to make pom-pom accessories. An apprentice gave an evangelistic talk while the girls were working on their pom poms.

Campus Group:RMIT Christian Union


Questioning Christianity

Students put on a panel discussion answering questions submitted by non-Christians on campus. Posters in public spaces had a QR Code to submit questions and people were invited to attend. Panelists (made up of men, women, students, alumni, local church leaders) were given the questions beforehand to prepare.

Campus Group: University Fellowship of Christians, Hobart

Dialogue Dinner

Christian students host small dinner parties to introduce their Christian friends to their non-Christian friends, and provide a comfortable platform to ask questions and discuss matters of the Christian faith.

Campus Group: ANU

The Mark Drama

A 90-min, theatre in the round performance of Mark’s Gospel. Christian Union members play all the characters. The CU and cast invite their friends and family,. It is hugely successful and a great way for non-Christians to hear “the Scriptures” and be introduced to Jesus.


Campus Group:Melbourne University Christian Uniion, Charles Sturt University, Monash University Christian Union, Macquarie University Christian Union, Australian National University

Committee Email:

Short Story Book Club

Arts students love talking about books, but don’t have time for extra reading. Over 5 weeks they discuss short stories provided by the leaders, with some that explore faith (eg. Tim Winton The Turning). At the end each participant will receive a gospel, with the explanation ‘this is a short story about Jesus.’ They’ll then offer to read the gospel with them.

Campus Group: Monash University Christian Union

Committee Email: